Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Kinetic Energy and Velocity Distribution Profiles of Argon Gases in Shock Waves

충격파 내에서 형성되는 아르곤 기체의 운동 에너지 분포와 속도 분포에 대한 비평형 분자동역학 모의실험 연구

  • Received : 2010.11.05
  • Accepted : 2011.01.20
  • Published : 2011.02.05


A series of nonequilibrium molecular dynamics(NEMD) simulations are performed to investigate the kinetic energy and velocity distributions of molecules in shock waves. In the simulations, argon molecules are used as a medium gas through which shock waves are propagating. The kinetic energy distribution profiles reveals that as a strong shock wave whose Mach number is 27.1 is applied, 39.6% of argon molecules inside the shock wave have larger kinetic energy than molecular ionization energy. This indicates that an application of a strong shock wave to argon gas can give rise to an intense light. The velocity distribution profiles in z direction along which shock waves propagate clearly represent two Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions of molecular velocities in two equilibrium regions and one bimodal velocity distribution profile that is attributed to a nonequilibrium region. The peak appearing in the directional temperature in z direction is discussed on a basis of the bimodal velocity distribution in the nonequilibrium region.



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