The Impact of Competitive Environments on the Configuration of e-Biz Integration Determinants and the Business Performance

경쟁적 환경이 e-Biz통합의 결정요인 구성과 경영성과에 미치는 영향

  • Han, Bong-Ho (Graduate School of Busness Administration, Inha University) ;
  • Kim, Chul-Soo (Division of Business Administration, Inha University) ;
  • Seo, Chang-Soo (Division of Business Administration, Inha University)
  • Received : 2011.01.01
  • Accepted : 2011.05.11
  • Published : 2011.06.30


These days, firms are focusing on the improvement of relationships with business partners. The supply chain integrations are taking critical role in improving the relationships with business partners. In accordance with the development of the IT technology, it became possible for firms not only to integrate inner parts of the organization, but also to integrate the company with other organizations in the supply chain. Therefore, in e-Biz environments, it is imperative for firms to strengthen the core capacity through the supply chain, and to precisely determine the components of the determinants of e-Business integration which impact the firm performance. This study analyzed determinants that have impacts on e-business integration in e-business capacity perspectives in competitive environments. This study based on the premise that the resources and capacities that Grant(1991) and Hart(1995) emphasized do not directly influence the corporate performance. This study focused on the fact that corporate must create core competencies based on these capacities to establish competitive edge. Therefore, this study model analyzed to find out which e-Biz competencies are needed to integrate e-Biz according to competitive environment elements. This study designed to empirically analyze the impact of the e-Biz competencies to the e-Biz integration and to the corporate performance. Independent variables of this study-IT management, partner management, e-Biz knowledge, e-Biz establishment and proliferation, process innovation-are selected based on precedent studies on e-Biz competencies. We selected intermediate variables to verify that e-Biz competencies do not have direct impact on the corporate performance, but have impact on the e-Biz integration, which is intermediate effect. That is to verify that if the components of supply chain improve the integration level using e-Biz competencies, the overall supply chain performances will improve. Dependent variables are selected to verify that e-Biz integration has impacts on corporate performances. This study used factor analysis, path analysis, moderating effect analysis as statistical tests. First, we used exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to analyze reliability and validity. Because e-Biz competencies are presented variously by preceding studies, we used SPSS16.0 to verify if survey questionnaire used by theoretical backgrounds is properly composed. Second, we tested the property of structure model by AMOS. We did path analysis using AMOS16.0 to test structure that is composed of e-Biz competencies and e-Biz integration. Last, we tested moderating effects of measure factors. We analyzed 163 domestic companies to find out many significant suggestive points. First, relationship improvement capacity, e-business knowledge sharing capacity with business partners, and process innovation capacity are adopted as determinants of differentiation and competitive edges against competing firms. Second, e-business knowledge sharing capacity, and process innovation capacity are analyzed as the determinants of e-business integration in the firm which demand fluctuation in the market is high. On the other hand, among the determinants that require capturing ideas on new products, and strengthening the technological power, process innovation capacity are adopted as the determinants. These results provide us the foundation that the determinants that we have analyzed can impact the supply chain integration strategies which take into account the competitive environments.



Supported by : Inha University


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