Marine Pollution of the East China Sea by Floating Marine Debris(I) - Temporal quantity distribution of each zone -

부유성 해양 폐기물에 의한 동지나해의 해양오염(I) - 해역별 수량 분포를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2011.09.28
  • Accepted : 2011.11.16
  • Published : 2011.12.31


In order to analyze the influence of floating marine debris (FMD) in the East China Sea (ECS), a sighting survey was conducted from July 1st to July 14th, 2009 navigating about 966 km using a training vessel "Kaya (1,737 ton)" of Pukyong National University. The sampled zones are divided into 5 transect by observation day during the survey days and again specified with 45 segments per unit hour on the survey routes. The results of distribution of FMD are as follows: 1. The quantities of FMD at the central China Sea(CE) and northern part of Taiwan(NT) were found as total mean of 90.8 ea/hr, 56.7 ea/hr, respectively, and also 36.8 ea/hr, western part of Kyushu district(WJ), 10.7 ea/hr, 8.0 ea/hr, western(OK1) and northern part(OK2) of Okinawa, respectively. 2. Temporal variation of FMD is represented by depicting the sinusoidal curve as shape as tide in CE and OK1. 3. The higher sea surface temperature (SST) is as likely as if Kuroshio current exists strongly, the less quantities are decreased. On the other hand, the coastal zone of ECS and near of Yellow Sea are increased by lower SST.



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