일차 의료기관에서 일반촬영 검사의 피폭선량 연구 (수도권 영상의학과를 중심으로)

A Study on Radiation Dose for General Radiography Examination at First Medical Institution (Around the Radiology Clinic of National Capital Region)

  • 투고 : 2011.07.21
  • 심사 : 2011.10.20
  • 발행 : 2011.10.31


환자가 받는 선량이 증가함에 의해 위해도가 증가한다. 이에 본 연구는 2009년 8월부터 2010년 9월까지 서울 및 경인지역의 영상의학과의원을 대상으로 환자피폭선량을 분석하였다. 두개골 전후방향검사에서 환자피폭선량은 영상의학과의원 1.75mGy, 영국 3.00mGy, 일본 3.00mGy, 독일 5.00mGy로 영상의학과의원이 낮게 측정되었고, 두개골 측방향검사에서 환자피폭선량은 영상의학과의원 1.49mGy, 3차 의료기관 1.50mGy로 영상의학과의원이 낮게 측정되었고 IAEA의 권고 선량인 3.00mGy 보다 낮게 측정되었다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 환자의 의료피폭 저감화를 위해 국제기구 권고안을 준수하고, 방사선의 효율적인 방호의 최적화와 의료방사선 피폭의 저감화가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

The hazard level will be increased with the augmentation of the dose received by patients. Therefore, patients radiation dose have been analyzed by this study for the radiology clinics located at Seoul and Gyeongin area from August 2009 to September 2010. In the case of the front and rear directional inspection of skull, patient radiation dose was turned out to be 1.75mGy for radiology clinic, 3.00mGy for UK, 3.00mGy for Japan, and 5.00mGy for Germany, therefore, radiology clinic was the lowest. In the case of lateral directional inspection of skull, patient radiation dose was turned out to be 1.49mGy for radiology clinic, 1.50mGy for 3rd medical institution, therefore, radiology clinic was measured lower, and it was lower than 3.00mGy which is the recommended dose of IAEA. In order to reduce medical exposure of patient, optimization of efficient protection of radiation and reduction of medical radiation exposure are thought to be required by observing recommendation of international organization based on the result of this study.



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피인용 문헌

  1. The Effect of Source to Image-Receptor Distance(SID) on Radiation Dose for Digital Chest Radiography vol.8, pp.4, 2014,
  2. Analysis of dose measurement other than the radiation protection during the radiographic examination vol.3, pp.1, 2014,
  3. Assessment of Entrance Surface Dose and Image Distortion in Accordance with Abdominal Obesity in the Chest Radiography vol.9, pp.7, 2015,
  4. 시뮬레이션 교육을 통한 일반 X선 검사의 오류 분석 vol.12, pp.7, 2011,
  5. 머리뼈 전-후 축 방향검사 시 Tube 방향설정에 따른 표면선량과 영상분석에 관한 연구 vol.44, pp.4, 2021,