Water Quality Assessment for pre and post-Impoundment of 6 Multipurpose Dam Reservoirs in Korea

국내 6개 다목적댐 저수지의 담수 전·후 수질 비교평가

  • Received : 2010.07.20
  • Accepted : 2011.02.14
  • Published : 2011.02.28


This study was carried out to assess the variations of water quality caused by the dam construction on the river. Six dams-Yongdam, Miryang, Hoengseong, Boryeong, Jangheung and Buan- constructed recently in Korea were selected for the study. Chemical oxygen demand(COD) was increased in the initial stage of water storage at dams compared to the lotic(river) environment, but after 3 years it was maintained lower and stabilized concentrations. Five dams except for Jangheung Dam were maintained Ia~Ib grade conditions under the water quality criteria of Korea. The concentrations of total nitrogen(T-N) were decreased under the lentic(reservoir) environment compared to the river status. Total phosphorus(T-P) was decreased 13~63% at the reservoir condition. We concluded that increase of COD concentration was due to the debris organic materials of the land, but temporary phenomenon. T-N and T-P concentrations were decreased at the lentic condition compared to the lotic.



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