장애유아 통합교육 관련 학위논문 연구동향 분석

An Analysis of Research Trends in Early Childhood Inclusive Education

  • Lee, Soo-Ryun (Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Shingu University)
  • 투고 : 2011.08.31
  • 심사 : 2011.11.16
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


The purpose of this study was to analyze recent research trends in early childhood inclusive education. For this purpose, a total of 408 theses, written between 1986 and 2010, were chosen and then analyzed in terms of years of publication, the main topics of research, and the research methodology used. The results of this study are presented and discussed as follows : First, the amount of research into inclusive education increased greatly after 2001. Second, the main topics of the research, as reflected in the theses studied, were general discussions of inclusive education, the attitudes and apprehension of those working with young children with disabilities and the rate of increase in the quantity of research produced has been gradually increased. Third, the methodologies of researches varied somewhat, as reflected in the review of the survey studies and experimental studies. Therefore, it can be said that research into Early Childhood Inclusion Education will continue to be a subject of interest and study and will continue to develop for the benefit curriculum, measurement, assessment and the families concerned.



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