돼지에서 medetomidine-ketamine (MK) 합제에 대한 마취효과와 이 합제에 대한 atipamezole (MKA) 과 yohimbine (MKY)의 길항효과를 비교하였다. 24 마리 Landrace - Yorkshire 혼혈 종 돼지를 사용하였다. Medetomidineketamine 는 한 주사기로 근육주사 하였고 atipamezole 과 yohimbine 은 마취 후 20 분에 정맥 주사 하였다. 평균마취시간, 평균흉와시간, 평균기립시간 및 평균보행시간은 MKA와 MKY군에서 MK군보다 유의적으로 짧았다. 그러나 MKA군과 MKY군간의 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 평균혈압은 MKA와 MKY군에서 MK군보다 유의적으로 낮았다. 결론적으로 Medetomidine-ketamine 에 의한 마취 및 혈압 상승 효과는 atipamezole과 yohimbine 에 의해 안전하고 빠르게 길항되었다. 따라서 atipamezole과 yohimbine은 돼지에서 Medetomidine-ketamine 마취를 길항하는 데 안전하고 효과적으로 사용될 수 있다.
The aims of the present study were to investigate the anesthetic and hemodynamic effects of medetomidine-ketamine combination and to compare antagonistic effects of atipamezole and yohimbine on the recovery of pig from anesthesia induced by medetomidine-ketamine combination. Landrace and Yorkshire cross-bred pigs were evaluated in the present study. Pigs (n = 8) received three different treatments (one treatment per 14 days in a random order). All pigs were injected intramuscularly with medetomidine, and ketamine in a single syringe. Intravenous injections of atipamezole (MKA), yohimbine (MKY), or a control saline solution (MK) were administered 20 minutes after the medetomidine-ketamine combination injection. The intravenous antagonist injections quickly reversed the medetomidine-ketamine induced sedation in the pigs, resulting in a significantly shorter duration of anesthesia in the MKA and MKY groups compared to the MK group. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) levels were significantly lower in the MKA and MKY groups compared to the MK group. Scores for posture and responses to noxious stimuli after atipamezole and yohimbine administration were significantly lower in the MKA and MKY groups than in the MK. In conclusion, the sedative effects and increases in blood pressure induced by a medetomidine-ketamine combination were quickly and smoothly reversed by atipamezole or yohimbine.