수서영구임대단지 주거환경개선 방안제시를 위한 주민참여워크숍 과정에 관한 연구

Research on the Process of Residents-Participated Workshop to Present Schemes for the Environmental Improvement of Susojugong Rental Apartment

  • 서귀숙 (숭실대학교 건축학부 실내건축)
  • 투고 : 2011.01.03
  • 심사 : 2011.05.30
  • 발행 : 2011.06.25


The purpose of this research consists in the process analysis and studying of the Residents-Participated Workshop which aims to improve the environment of common areas at the rental apartments, and also to present the spacial designs for the improved environment. The objects of this research are Susojugong Rental Apartments and total 3 Residents-Participated Workshops were held. The contents of the research are as follows; 1) Background and purposes of resident environmental improvement and associated group of people were examined. 2) Execution of Residents-Participated Workshop programs and the analysis of the process to present the plans of environmental improvement. The results of the research are; 1) representing variety of opinions and the increased sense of participation. 2) possibility of presenting designs initiated by residents through participatory design workshop. 3) improvement of relationships between managerial authorities, specialists and residents. 4) the place of interchange among residents. 5) necessity of assisting workshop tool, Resident-Participated Workshop programs and schedules. Environmentally improved designs which were presented at the workshop have been actually demonstrated at the Rental Apartments of this research. Follow up research on the process of construction, maintenance management of the construction after completion and the full contents should be studied further.



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