도축장의 소와 돼지 분변에서 분리한 살모넬라속의 약제내성 및 약제내성 유전자의 보유율

Prevalence of the antimicrobial resistance and resistance associated gene in Salmonella spp. isolated from pigs and cattle in slaughterhouse

  • 하도윤 (경상남도 축산진흥연구소 중부지소) ;
  • 지대해 (경상남도 축산진흥연구소 중부지소) ;
  • 조상래 (경상남도 축산진흥연구소 중부지소) ;
  • 박애라 (경상남도 축산진흥연구소 중부지소) ;
  • 정은희 (경상남도 축산진흥연구소 중부지소) ;
  • 박동엽 (경상남도 축산진흥연구소 중부지소) ;
  • 이국천 (경상남도 축산진흥연구소 중부지소) ;
  • 양정웅 (경상대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 김종수 (경상대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 김혜정 (경남 보건환경연구원 미생물 역학조사과) ;
  • 정종화 (경남 보건환경연구원 미생물 역학조사과) ;
  • 송익현 (삼성전자 메모리 사업부) ;
  • 김애란 (국립수의과학검역원 세균과) ;
  • 이지연 (국립수의과학검역원 세균과) ;
  • 김용환 (경상대학교 수의과대학)
  • Hah, Do-Yun (Central branch of Gyeongnam Livestock Promotion Research Institute) ;
  • Ji, Dae-Hae (Central branch of Gyeongnam Livestock Promotion Research Institute) ;
  • Jo, Sang-Rae (Central branch of Gyeongnam Livestock Promotion Research Institute) ;
  • Park, Ae-Ra (Central branch of Gyeongnam Livestock Promotion Research Institute) ;
  • Jung, Eun-Hee (Central branch of Gyeongnam Livestock Promotion Research Institute) ;
  • Park, Dong-Yeop (Central branch of Gyeongnam Livestock Promotion Research Institute) ;
  • Lee, Kuk-Cheon (Central branch of Gyeongnam Livestock Promotion Research Institute) ;
  • Yang, Jung-Wung (College of Veterinary Medicine and Institute of animal Science, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Kim, Jong-Shu (College of Veterinary Medicine and Institute of animal Science, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Kim, Hye-Jung (Microbiology and Epidermiology Division Gyeongsangnam-Do Govermnet Research Institute of Public Health Environment) ;
  • Jung, Jong-Hwa (Microbiology and Epidermiology Division Gyeongsangnam-Do Govermnet Research Institute of Public Health Environment) ;
  • Song, Ick-Hyun (Memory Division, Samsung Electronics) ;
  • Kim, Ae-Ran (Bacteriology Division National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service) ;
  • Lee, Ji-Youn (Bacteriology Division National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service) ;
  • Kim, Young-Hwan (College of Veterinary Medicine and Institute of animal Science, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2011.02.25
  • 심사 : 2011.03.22
  • 발행 : 2011.03.30


This study was conducted to investigate the distribution of Salmonella spp. from pigs and cattle in slaughterhouse, the antimicrobial resistance pattern and the prevalence of resistance genes of isolates. A total of 640 fecal samples from pigs and cattle in slaughterhouse were collected for isolation of Salmonella spp.. Isolation rate was revealed as 15% in pigs and 1.6% in cattle. As result of serotyping, group B (56.6%) were identified as most common in pigs and cattle isolates, in order of group C (24.5%) and group E (15.1%). S. Typhimurium (50.9%) was most common serotype. The major serotypes were in order of S. Rissen and S. London (11.3%) and S. Riggil (7.6%). In antimicrobial test, all isolates were demonstrates susceptibility to nitrofurantoin. But isolates were revealed resistance other antibiotics in order of tetracycline (64.6%), streptomycin (68.3%), ampicillin and amoxicillin (56.3%) and spectinomycin (47.9%). With polymerase chain reaction, antimicrobial resistance gene strA (75.0%) and aadA1 (3.1%) were detected in streptomycin resistance isolates and tetA (94.3%) and tetB (11.3%) gene were detected in tetracycline resistant isolates, but tetG was not detected. Class 1 integron gene was detected in all Salmonella isolates.



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