딸기 선별 및 포장작업의 자세개선을 위한 다층회전형 작업대 적용

Application of a Multi-Level Rotating Table for Strawberry Sorting and Packing

  • 박성하 (한남대학교 공과대학 산업경영공학과)
  • Park, Sung-Ha (Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Hannam University)
  • 투고 : 2011.03.09
  • 심사 : 2011.03.21
  • 발행 : 2011.03.31


This study was performed to design and develop an ergonomic equipment for strawberry sorting and packing in agricultural working environments. Potential risk of work related musculo-skeletal disorders associated with farm workers performing strawberry sorting and packing was analyzed through interviews, field surveys, work measurement, and working posture evaluation. For the evaluation of working posture, we used REBA, OWAS, and RULA assessment methods to identify multi-factorial risk factors. Based on the result of comprehensive assessment, a new concept of multi-level rotating table for strawberry sorting and packing was proposed to modify awkward working postures and improve the effectiveness of the farm work. Finally, the characteristics and effectiveness of new equipment was discussed in terms of improvements in productivity, safety, and subjective ratings of farm workers. The results of analysis showed that working conditions improved significantly.



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