Nationalism and Organic Influences in the Works of Hungarian Architect, Imre Makovecz (1935 -)

헝가리 건축가 임레 마코베츠(1935 - )의 건축에 나타나는 민족주의적, 유기적 양상

  • Received : 2011.04.08
  • Accepted : 2011.07.28
  • Published : 2011.08.31


Imre Makovecz, a Hungarian architect, has chiefly known for his unique organic works. He has taken a lot of sharp criticism against mere functionalistic and stylistic approaches toward modern architecture. Instead, he has desired to pursue a true embodiment for organic beauty and hungarian cultural heritage in architecture. Although most of his works reside in Hungary, he has become an internationally recognised architect for his unique works. This article attempts to identify Hungarian culture and its influence to Makovecz's architecture. It also examines how Makovecz investigated Hungarian folk art traditions and primitive craft patterns, and then applied the lessons learned into his own architectural designs. Then, this article attempts to expose the principles of his organic architecture deeply influenced by the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. Finally, it concludes with a discussion of the benefits and challenges of employing similar approaches for the development of a rich architectural tradition.



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