Study on the Policy for the Preservation of Tradition in Paris as a Major Element of Sustainable Development

파리시 도시지역계획의 지속가능한 개발 핵심전략으로서 '전통수복정책' 연구

  • 박진아 (공간종합건축사사무소 도시본부)
  • Received : 2011.01.26
  • Accepted : 2011.04.18
  • Published : 2011.04.30


France is known to be making particular efforts to maintain its traditional urban architectural culture by diverse measures including the implementation of urban policies. However, France is facing up to the need to pursue modern urbanization in keeping with the requirements of the current times. Thus, this paper examines with what priority France is attempting to reflect in its current urban policies its determination to retain its urban architectural tradition and to recreate its capital city of Paris as a future European hub city. To that end, the paper first seeks to analyze Paris' policies for urban architecture from diachronic perspectives in a bid to determine Paris' urban architectural culture. Second, the study attempts to examine within the purview of the paradigm of contemporary urban architectural designs how Paris is pursuing the two conflicting purposes of the preservation of tradition and modern urbanization through the Paris Local Urbanization Plan (or Plan Local d'Urbanisme [PLU]). First, the findings indicate that Paris is applying the principle of a sustainable development plan in all fields of environment, economy and society. In terms of environmental sustainability, Paris is trying to improve the life quality of its citizens through the establishment of efficient mass transportation systems and the expansion of its green belt areas. In terms of social sustainability, Paris is implementing policies to ensure social diversity through housing policies. Also, in terms of economic sustainability, Paris is trying to expand employment and bolster its urban functions by conserving commercial activities and developing peripheral urban areas. Second, the findings indicate that Paris' policy of recovering its traditions takes priority over that of creating a sustainable city.



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