Comparative Studies on the Acute Toxicities of Whole Solids and Solids Aqueous Extracts Based on the Inhibition of Bacterial Bioluminescence Production

  • Kong, In-Chul (Department of Environmental Engineering, Yeungnam University)
  • Received : 2010.05.13
  • Accepted : 2011.03.03
  • Published : 2011.03.30


The aim of this investigation was to demonstrate a rapid bioluminescence bioassay for comparison of the toxicity of whole solids and the aqueous extracts of various environmental solid samples. With regard to the toxicities, those for the soil extracts were mostly found to be lower than those of whole soils, which may have been caused by un-extracted pollutants or dilution during the extraction process. Solid samples from dam-reservoir sediments and municipal refuses were also tested. The toxicities of the solid extracts (0-34%; refuses and sediments) were much lower than those of the whole solids (13-91%). The bioluminescence inhibition test indicated that the harmful effects of the contaminated solids samples were greater than those of the solid extracts.



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