Decision Making Model for the Introduction of RFID by Food and Beverage Industry Using Logit Model

로짓모형을 이용한 식.음료업체 RFID 도입의사 결정모형

  • Received : 2010.09.28
  • Accepted : 2010.11.27
  • Published : 2011.02.28


RFID is an important information technology that enables changes in existing methods of logistics. In this study, a decision making model for the introduction of RFID by domestic food & beverage businesses has been developed in order to enhance the efficiency of logistics activities. The general business states and effects expected from the introduction of RFID by SCM sector of 167 domestic food and beverage businesses were surveyed and based on the results, it was identified that generally positive answers were received. A decision making model for the introduction of RFID was derived and based on the results, it was identified that major influencing factors affecting the intention to introduce RFID were "the number of personnel" and "costs to introduce RFID".

RFID는 기존 물류방식의 변화를 가능케 하는 중요한 정보기술이다. 본 연구는 물류활동의 효율성 제고를 도모하기 위한 목적으로 국내 식 음료업체를 대상으로 RFID 도입의사 결정모형을 개발하였다. 167개 국내 식 음료업체를 대상으로 기업 일반현황 및 RFID 도입에 따른 SCM 부문별 기대효과를 분석한 결과 RFID 도입에 따른 SCM 부문별 효율성 향상에 대한 기대효과에 대해 대체적으로 긍정적으로 응답하였다. RFID 도입의사 결정모형 도출결과 RFID 도입의사에 주요한 영향을 미치는 영향요인은 "직원수", "RFID 도입비용"이 도출되었다.



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