New Paradigm of Systems Thinking and Action in an Interior Design Education Field

  • Received : 2010.02.08
  • Accepted : 2011.03.21
  • Published : 2011.03.28


The organizational theory and design in future encourages us to bring a fluid perspective to the problems and challenges face. Organizational structure, strategy, management style, teamwork, organizational change, and even products and services can be vitalized and re-formed through creative images that allow us to act in new ways. Leaders and educators sat all levels must gain comfort in dealing with the insights and implications of diverse perspectives. In a leadership paradigm in action, leaders and educators who have more flexibility and willingness to create a learning organization are successful in improving productivity and student empowerment. The key element to organizational structure and changes for interior design education becomes communications. Finally, we need to recognize that despite its roots in mechanistic thinking, organization is a creative process of imagination. We organize as we imagine, and it is always possible to imagine in new ways.



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