서울지역 유통 한약재 중 잔류농약 실태조사

Pesticide Residues Monitoring of Medicinal Herbs in Seoul

  • 최영희 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소) ;
  • 박성규 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소) ;
  • 김욱희 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소) ;
  • 승현정 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소) ;
  • 한성희 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소) ;
  • 이영주 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소) ;
  • 정희정 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소) ;
  • 김윤희 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소) ;
  • 조한빈 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소) ;
  • 유인실 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소) ;
  • 한기영 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소) ;
  • 채영주 (서울시보건환경연구원 강북농수산물검사소)
  • Choi, Young-Hee (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) ;
  • Park, Sung-Kyu (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) ;
  • Kim, Ouk-Hee (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) ;
  • Seoung, Hyun-Jung (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) ;
  • Han, Sung-Hee (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) ;
  • Lee, Young-Ju (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) ;
  • Jeong, Hee-Jeong (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) ;
  • Kim, Yun-Hee (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) ;
  • Jo, Han-Bin (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) ;
  • Yu, In-Sil (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) ;
  • Han, Ki-Young (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) ;
  • Chae, Young-Zoo (Kangbuk Agro-Fishery Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment)
  • 투고 : 2011.08.15
  • 심사 : 2011.10.07
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


서울지역에서 유통되는 1,565개 한약재에 대하여 다종농약다성분 분석법으로 100종의 잔류농약을 분석하였다. 농약의 회수율은 71.0~119.7%이였다. 전체 시료 중 잔류농약 검출률은 5.3%이고, 0.9%가 MRLs를 초과하였다. 잔류농약 검출률이 높은 한약재는 택사, 진피, 구기자, 대추였다. 농약잔류허용기준을 초과한 한약재는 택사(4), 천궁(4), 구절초(1), 진피(1), 지골피(1), 박하(1), 오미자(1), 포공영(1)이였다. 검출빈도가 높은 잔류농약은 cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, phenthoate, endosulfan, isoprothiolane, chlorothalonil, chlorfenapyr였다. 검출된 농약의 EDI와 ADI를 비교한 %ADI 값으로 위해성 평가를 실시하였다. 천궁에서 검출된 ethoprophos가 26.85로 가장 높은 %ADI를 나타내었다. 그리고 천궁에서 pyraclofos와 endosulfan, 택사에서 endosulfan과 isoprothiolane, 포공영에서 cyprodinil이 1 이상의 %ADI를 나타내었지만 그 이외 한약재는 모두 1이하의 %ADI를 나타내었다.

100 residual pesticides in 1,565 medicinal herbs being on sale in Seoul was analyzed by a simultaneous multiresidue method. The recovery ratio was 71.0~119.7%. The detection rate of pesticide residues was 5.3% and the rate of excess to Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) was 0.9% of the total samples. The medicinal herbs which had the high detection rate of residual pesticides were Alismatis Rhizoma, Citri Unshii Pericarpium, Lycii Fructus and Zyzyphi Fructus. The medicinal herbs detected pesticide over Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) were Alismatis Rhizoma (4), Cnidii Rhizomain (4), Chrysanthemi Zawadski Herba (1), Citri Unshii Pericarpium (1), Lycii Radix Cortex (1), Menthae Herba (1), Schisandrae Fructus (1) and Taraxaci Herba (1). The residual pesticides which had the high detection frequency were cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, phenthoate, endosulfan, isoprothiolane, chlorothalonil and chlorfenapyr. Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) of detected pesticides was compared to Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) in order to assess risk. Ethoprophos detected in Cnidii Rhizomain showed the highest %ADI, 26.85. And pyraclofos and endosulfan in Cnidii Rhizomain, endosulfan and isoprothiolane in Alismatis Rhizoma and cyprodinil in Taraxaci Herba showed more than 1 %ADI, but others showed below 1 %ADI.



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