Design of Serendipity Service Based on Near Field Communication Technology

NFC 기반 세렌디피티 시스템 설계

  • 이경전 (경희대학교, 경영대학 & 경영연구원) ;
  • 홍성우 (경희대학교, 경영대학 & 경영연구원)
  • Received : 2011.11.18
  • Accepted : 2011.12.20
  • Published : 2011.12.31


The world of ubiquitous computing is one in which we will be surrounded by an ever-richer set of networked devices and services. Especially, mobile phone now becomes one of the key issues in ubiquitous computing environments. Mobile phones have been infecting our normal lives more thoroughly, and are the fastest technology in human history that has been adapted to people. In Korea, the number of mobile phones registered to the telecom company, is more than the population of the country. Last year, the numbers of mobile phone sold are many times more than the number of personal computer sold. The new advanced technology of mobile phone is now becoming the most concern on every field of technologies. The mix of wireless communication technology (wifi) and mobile phone (smart phone) has made a new world of ubiquitous computing and people can always access to the network anywhere, in high speed, and easily. In such a world, people cannot expect to have available to us specific applications that allow them to accomplish every conceivable combination of information that they might wish. They are willing to have information they want at easy way, and fast way, compared to the world we had before, where we had to have a desktop, cable connection, limited application, and limited speed to achieve what they want. Instead, now people can believe that many of their interactions will be through highly generic tools that allow end-user discovery, configuration, interconnection, and control of the devices around them. Serendipity is an application of the architecture that will help people to solve a concern of achieving their information. The word 'serendipity', introduced to scientific fields in eighteenth century, is the meaning of making new discoveries by accidents and sagacity. By combining to the field of ubiquitous computing and smart phone, it will change the way of achieving the information. Serendipity may enable professional practitioners to function more effectively in the unpredictable, dynamic environment that informs the reality of information seeking. This paper designs the Serendipity Service based on NFC (Near Field Communication) technology. When users of NFC smart phone get information and services by touching the NFC tags, serendipity service will be core services which will give an unexpected but valuable finding. This paper proposes the architecture, scenario and the interface of serendipity service using tag touch data, serendipity cases, serendipity rule base and user profile.

본 연구는 NFC(Near Field Communication) 기술 기반의 세렌디피티 시스템의 설계와 구현을 목적으로 한다. NFC 기능이 탑재된 스마트폰은 계속 출시되고 있다. NFC 스마트폰의 보급으로 많은 장소에 NFC 태그가 설치되고 사용자들은 이를 터치하여 정보와 서비스를 제공받을 것으로 예상이 된다. 이러한 NFC가 활용되는 환경에서 사용자들이 어떤 NFC 태그를 터치할 때, 의외의 가치가 있는 발견을 하게 하는 세렌디피티(Serendipity) 서비스가 매우 핵심적인 생활 서비스로 등장할 가능성이 있다. 이에 본 연구는 태그 터치 데이터베이스, 세렌디피티 사례 베이스 데이터베이스, 세렌디피티 Rule 패턴 데이터베이스, 사용자 프로파일 데이터베이스를 활용하여, 사용자가 NFC 태그를 터치하면 사용자가 흥미, 유용성, 새로움을 느낄만한 거래 정보, 컨텐트, 서비스를 부가적으로 제공하는 신개념 서비스인 세렌디피티 서비스를 설계하고 이를 위한 발생 가능한 시나리오와 시스템을 설계한다.



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Cited by

  1. Public Service Design for Ubiquitous City - Focusing on NFC Technology for Taxi-Crime Prevention - vol.13, pp.1, 2013,