A Study on Understanding of Time Constraints and Time Management of Farmers

농업인의 시간제약과 시간관리에 관한 인식 분석

  • Received : 2010.11.02
  • Accepted : 2011.12.22
  • Published : 2011.12.30


This study aimed to provide an efficient time management scheme for farmers by analysing how they experience time constraints in spending their time and understand time management. Firstly, farmers found that they didn't have enough time for farm keeping as a result of house work obligations. It was caused by excessive time for agricultural work. Thus, 93.7% of respondents recognized that ‘they were pressed for time' because there is relatively less time to spend for socio-cultural and physiological matters. In addition, 83.0% responded that they felt the pressure of something. Respondents who were in forties reduced their sleeping hours due to lack of time. The majority of people who were in the farmhouse doing controlled horticulture cannot enjoy their own time for leisure owing to a lack of time. Secondly, respondents under thirty-nine years of age were solving the problems of time constraints as prioritizing matters, planning handling time and utilizing household instruments. On the other hand, respondents who were in forties found the solution by reflecting on their conduct toward a time consumption plan, self-evaluation and received help from their family and/or neighbors. A group of respondents who had already graduated from college or higher education often reflected on their conduct and self-evaluated. Respondants who participatied in farmhouse controlled horticulture, generally took turns in managing their house work. For reducing farmers' time constraints and managing their time efficiently, they should standardize matters done repeatedly and also manage time by dividing work among family members. Furthermore, if a long-term time scheme such as more than a month is established and practiced, time constraints may be somewhat solved.



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