20세기 초 영화에 나타난 근대인의 공간적 실천 분석 연구

An Analysis of Spactial Practice of Morden People appeared in the early 20th century film

  • 투고 : 2011.10.31
  • 심사 : 2011.12.09
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


The space has been interpreted from various perspectives, such as hierarchical, cultural, economic, political factors, etc. So we can see the space as a social existence. Space is now being formed through the dialectical relations of these elements. From this point of view, this study started to research the spatial practice of morden people through the case in the early 20th century film. With the discourse of Henri Lefebvre and David Harvey, and Michel de Certeau's theory, this research tried to find the mechanisms of spatial practice. Also Benjamin is a philosopher who intervenes the relationship between modernity and cultural production and his way of reading cultural phenomena seems to serve as the useful methodology of cultural studies. Modern people were individual unawared of the era, awakened to the ego. They were wandering the room and the street, private and public places. They were city dwellers walking around, collecting goods, and living of everyday life. Spatial practice is a fixed activity and have continuity. spatial practice appeared in the early 20th century film is at the intersection of social practices and the practice of everyday life. Social practices are a fixed practice and continuous practice. The practices of everyday life are nomadic practice and amusable practice. Modern people accommodate and adapt to a given space of the city through fixed practice. They realizes the access and the distance from spaces through continuous practice. They select and approved the spaces through nomadic practice. And they possess exclusively and utilize the spaces through amusable practice. Through These research spatial practices, it could easily found similarities and differences between modern space on the early 20th century and contemporary space of 21st century. True modern is not the past but the present.



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