Modeling of Stochastic Properties of Internal Heat Generation of an Office Building for Slab Cooling Storage

사무소건물의 슬래브축냉을 위한 내부발열부하의 확률적 성상 모델화

  • Jung, Jae-Hoon (Department of Architectural Engineering, Hoseo University)
  • Received : 2011.06.30
  • Published : 2011.12.10


It has been shown that the air-conditioning system with slab cooling storage is effective in cutting peak load and utilizing nighttime electric power. The stochastic properties of internal heat generation which has great influence on the cooling load are examined in this paper. Based on the measured cooling load and electric power consumption in an office building with slab cooling storage, stochastic time series models to simulate these random processes are investigated. Furthermore, a calculated result by an optimal control method of thermal analysis taking into account the internal heat is compared with the measured cooling load.



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Cited by

  1. A Study on Optimal Control of Slab Cooling Storage Considering Stochastic Properties of Internal Heat Generation vol.27, pp.6, 2015,