A summary-concept based analysis on the representative values and the measures of spread with the 9th grade Korean mathematics textbook

중학교 3학년 수학교과서 통계단원에 나타난 요약개념 분석

  • Received : 2011.10.17
  • Accepted : 2011.11.18
  • Published : 2011.11.30


This study is an analysis on the focus of textbooks regarding the statistical chapters of "measures of representative(central tendency) and of the spread". Applying the summary-concept criteria of Juhyeon Nam(2007), 4 kinds of aspect of the chapter; (1) definition and its teleological validity of the measures of representative, (2) definition and practical value of the measures of spread (3) distributional form on the measures of representative and of spread (4) location and scale preservation or invariance of the measures of representative and of spread were observed. On the measures of representative, some definitions were insufficient to check the teleological validity of the measure. Most definitions of the measure of spread were based on the practical view points but no preparation for the future statistical inferences were found even by implication. Some books mention about the measures of representative and of spread for distributions, but we could not find any comments on the correspondence between the sample mean and the expectation of a distribution or population mean. However it is stimulant that some books check the validity of corresponding measures with the location and scale preservation or invariant property, that were not found in the previous curriculum.



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