Critical Success Factors for Project Management Information System in Construction

  • Published : 2011.05.27


With a focus on different aspects of PMIS in construction projects, various sets of critical success factors (CSFs) have been suggested in the literature such as IS Success Model by various researchers. It is crucial to explore the relative importance and groupings of these factors. This paper aims to identify CSFs associated with Project Management Information System (PMIS) in construction projects, and explore their ranking and underlying relationship. CSFs for PMIS identified through a literature review, and consolidated by interviews and pilot studies with professionals in construction industry. A questionnaire instrument was sent out to experienced users (Construction Manager and Constructor) in Korea, and 253 completed questionnaires were retrieved. To increase the generalizability of the results, the respondents were spread across construction site. Using factor analysis and considering the high importance of the factor, CSFs were grouped into three dimensions. All these three groupings and their relationship were included in a framework for successful PMIS in construction projects. These findings help to clarify what the high prioritized factors are, and could also be used as an assessment tool to evaluate the performance of PMIS and thus help to identify areas for improvement.



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