독일의 자연휴양림(Naturpark)연구를 통한 숲휴양고찰

German Forest Recreation in Nature Parks (Naturpark)

  • 투고 : 2011.03.11
  • 심사 : 2011.06.20
  • 발행 : 2011.09.30


자연경관보전과 함께 휴양기능에 중점을 둔 독일의 자연휴양림(Naturpark)은 오랜 역사를 가진 성공적인 휴양공간이다. 본 연구에서는 지정배경과 성격, 현황, 휴양이용행태 등을 조사함으로써, 우리와 다른 휴양특성을 밝히고 이를 통해 우리나라의 휴양계획에서 고려하고 개선해야 할 점들을 찾고자 수행하였다. 91개 독일의 자연휴양림과 97개 한국의 자연휴양림을 연구대상으로 하였으며, 연구결과 독일의 자연휴양림은 다양하고 전문화된 휴양활동과 숲 교육프로그램을 제공하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이는 휴양이용객들의 구체적이고 다양한 휴양요구를 반증하는 것으로 이용객들의 많은 자연체험, 휴양체험으로 풀이될 수 있다. 지역사회에 기반을 둔 운영체제와 잘 개설된 다목적 임도는 독일 숲휴양활동의 중요한 근간으로 규명되었으며, 이는 휴양계획 수립시 반드시 고려할 점으로 사료된다.

The purpose of the present research is to study the recreational use of German Nature Parks with comparing the Korean Recreational Forests. They were studied because both were not only founded for nature protection, but also for recreational use. The recreational offerings of German Nature Parks and Korean Recreational Forests found to reflect the expectations of their recreation users. Therefore the recreational uses of both countries will be recognized throughout this study. To review recreational offerings, services and infrastructure, a complete search of all German Nature Parks and Korean Recreational Forests was conducted. In summary, there were very good and varied activities that posed few demands on German Nature Parks. Some broad and very good offerings could be identified in the form of environmental education programs as well as many different kinds of services and infrastructure. Korean Recreational Forests were characterized by passive activities having few environmental education programs with only simple tour themes. The reason for this condition was that there were fewer holiday periods in Korea than in Germany and the conurbation life style in Korea, due to geological conditions, has led to less experience with nature.



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