Research into the Connections between the Sarangche of the Chosun Dynasty and Modern Residential Work Spaces

조선시대 사랑채와 현대주거 내 업무공간의 연계성 연구

  • 노진희 (국민대학교 테크노디자인대학원 실내디자인) ;
  • 최경란 (국민대학교 실내디자인학과) ;
  • 성윤정 (국민대학교 동양문화디자인연구소)
  • Received : 2011.06.24
  • Accepted : 2011.09.22
  • Published : 2011.10.25


Residential space has come to maintain a degree of specialization dependent upon the division of space according to function, while roles and functions have either expanded or ceased to exist corresponding to shifts in social values. However, various human behaviors connected to lifestyle habits and values are in fact becoming obsolete. This research will examine the mental, social, and functional aspects of the relationship between residential work spaces in modern homes and the sarangche as well as the communal space of daily and social life of the Chosun Dynasty to enhance the value and function of traditional residential space. As the boundary between family and work blurs with the home office environment of today, we are experiencing a deterioration of health and seeing problems in securing family domain as well as the prolonging of overwork. While the function of the traditional sarangchae encompassed a wider variety of activities than today's homes, the sarangchae achieved an efficient use of space divisions between rooms according to the particular purpose and situation. Accordingly, a reinterpretation of modern residential work space is needed through its connection to the sarangchae with consideration to the philosophy and values of the life of the noble class and the habits of our traditional lifestyle that have previously taken place within the sarangchae in an exterior space.



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