The Study on Landscape Colors in Gunsan City

지방도시 환경색채현황에 대한 기초조사 - 군산시를 중심으로 -

  • 이지숙 (군산대학교 주거 및 실내계획학과)
  • Received : 2011.06.23
  • Accepted : 2011.09.26
  • Published : 2011.10.25


The inconsistent city planning damaged the city's landscape & identity, the old days. Nowadays the central and local governments are interested in the city's landscape design for residents, economic reason, etc. Color is most efficient one of design elements to improve a city landscape. So to establish the uniqueness and beauty of Gunsan city landscape, this study was performed to find out Gunsan landscape colors to survey the landscape color, by priority. There are nature environment of sea, river, reservoir, mountains and plain and artificial environment of buildings used japanese occupation period, them in early modern era and modern things. It found out the color palette has extracted from the present colors in the city landscape. There were mostly colors with low chroma, middle value and the next thing was them with high value. The blue among hue was strong. The Chroma was very low to be concentrated in $L^*$ axis. So achromatic color or blue/green of middle value and low chroma were recommended for dominant color and the similar color of former color was good for assort color in Gunsan city landscape.



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