Forest Patch Characteristics and Their Contribution to Forest-Bird Diversity - Focus on Chungcheong Province Area -

산림패치의 특성이 조류 종 다양성에 미치는 영향분석 - 충청지역을 중심으로 -

  • Lee, Dong-Kun (Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural System Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Park, Chan (Graduate School of Seoul National University) ;
  • Oh, Kyu-Sik (Department of Urban Planning, Hanyang University)
  • 이동근 (서울대학교 조경.지역시스템공학부) ;
  • 박찬 (서울대학교 대학원) ;
  • 오규식 (한양대학교 도시공학과)
  • Received : 2010.09.20
  • Accepted : 2010.10.19
  • Published : 2010.10.30


Urban development typically results in many species being confined to small, isolated and degraded habitat fragments. Fragment size and isolation underpin many studies of modified landscape to prevent biodiversity loss. However, habitat characteristics such as vegetation structure and edge effects are less frequently incorporated in planning. The relative influence of biogeographic (e.g. size, isolation) and vegetation parameters on assemblages is poorly understood, but critical for conservation management. In this study, the relative importance of biogeographic and vegetation parameters in explaining the diversity of forest-interior dwelling birds in forest fragments in Chungcheong Province Area. Fragment size and vegetation characteristics were consistently important predictors of bird diversity. Forestinterior bird richness was influenced by fragment size (0.437), wood age (0.332), wood diameter (0.068), and patch shape (-0.079). To preserve bird diversity of Chungcheong Province Area, it is important to consider differing responses of bird diversity to landscape change, move beyond a focus primarily on spatial attributes (size, isolation) to recognize that landscape change also has profound effects on habitat composition and quality. The result is very useful for long-term aspect of biodiversity conservation plan in regional scale.



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