공간확장 메커니즘과 정보화 신전략에 관한 인과지도 분석

Causal Map Analysis of Spatial Extension Mechanism and Informatization New Strategy

  • 투고 : 2010.06.15
  • 심사 : 2010.07.17
  • 발행 : 2010.07.31


This paper examines a mechanism of the Electronic Territory Expansion and the Information-oriented Society. Especially, a strategy for the territory development based on intelligence is suggested. The strategy is divided into a strategy for the domestic electronic territory and a plan for the global electronic territory. To examine the strategy and the plan, this paper is using the causal map analysis based on the System Thinking Approach. The causal map of the mechanism is characterized by a positive feedback loop. The paper has concluded that it is important to make the positive loops as a virtuous circle. It means that when a society dominates the advantageous position firstly in the field of intelligent and electronic territory, the competitiveness can grow in arithmetical progression.



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