Accurate Stitching for Polygonal Surfaces

  • Zhu, Lifeng (The key lab on machine perception and intelligence of MOE Peking University) ;
  • Li, Shengren (The key lab on machine perception and intelligence of MOE Peking University) ;
  • Wang, Guoping (The key lab on machine perception and intelligence of MOE Peking University)
  • Published : 2010.04.01


Various applications, such as mesh composition and model repair, ask for a natural stitching for polygonal surfaces. Unlike the existing algorithms, we make full use of the information from the two feature lines to be stitched up, and present an accurate stitching method for polygonal surfaces, which minimizes the error between the feature lines. Given two directional polylines as the feature lines on polygonal surfaces, we modify the general placement method for points matching and arrive at a closed-form solution for optimal rotation and translation between the polylines. Following calculating out the stitching line, a local surface optimization method is designed and employed for postprocess in order to gain a natural blending of the stitching region.



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