유행선도력에 따른 온라인 구전활동

The Effect of Fashion Leadership on Word of Mouth Communications on the Internet

  • 투고 : 2010.04.14
  • 심사 : 2010.08.19
  • 발행 : 2010.08.31


This research investigates the effect of fashion leadership on Word of Mouth (WOM) communications on the Internet. This research categorizes consumers into groups by fashion leadership and compares the groups regarding the WOM behavior (degrees of WOM acceptance and delivery as well as the motivations of WOM acceptance and delivery). The subjects of the study were 325 males and females. Major statistical methods used for the study were factor analysis, ANOVA, Scheff$\acute{e}$'s test, and chi-square test. The results categorized consumers into five groups by fashion leadership (dual leaders, fashion innovators, fashion opinion leaders, fashion followers, and fashion laggards). There were significant differences among fashion leadership groups over WOM behavior (acceptance and delivery) and monthly clothing expenditures. Fashion dual leaders had a higher degree of WOM acceptance with motivation of fashion information acquisition and compliance, and they had a higher degree of WOM delivery through motivation of economic compensation, pleasure, and advice. In addition, they had a higher expenditure for clothing products. Fashion innovators had a lower degree of compliance in WOM acceptance. Fashion opinion leaders had a higher degree of WOM delivery through motivation from advice. Fashion followers delivered WOM through motivation of economic compensation and advice. Fashion laggards had a lower degree of WOM acceptance and delivery.



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