An Analysis on the Reduction of Medical fee by Accidents at home and the Distinction on a Possibility of Housing Renovation for the Aged

고령자의 주택내 안전사고에 의한 의료비 추정 및 주택개조 가능성 판별분석

  • Received : 2010.05.22
  • Accepted : 2010.08.13
  • Published : 2010.08.31


The goal of This study is to predict medical fee by accidents at home and the factors of accidents, and also to suggest the conditions of housing adaptations for elderly people. As the result of in-house accidents, on average 2.97 million Korean won was to be spent for medical care. Furthermore, 2808 billion Korean Won, which was predicted by multiplying the number of older people with the reported accident rates of 2.0% by the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2005, can be estimated to pay on medical care in 2005. And in addition it is analyzed on residential conditions and 65 cases of elderly housing. According to the 65 safety problem cases, it examines that in-house accidents of older people generally happen at the steps, toilet and bathroom. It is necessary to adapt physical conditions and it is more effective. As the result of research, medical fee by accident at home has been increasing and also it could be predicted to spend 280,800million won in 2005. To reduce medical fee, it is necessary to promote physical environment by renovation. When be decided to renovate a housing, we know that it is more effective to use a checklist of space using at home. And also it is suggested to amend a checklist with other factors including physical conditions and health condition and so on to promote a correctness.



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