This study has been carried out against hospitals with less than 100 beds, which were excluded from the previous study on the discharged patients from January 1 to December 31, 2007. To analyze the discharged patients, the general characteristics of discharged patients, means of payment for medical costs, type of disease and surgery and current status of the use of medical services have been investigated based on the medical records. During the year of 2007, the number of discharged patients from the hospitals with less than 100 beds reached 4,697,095 (9.7% of total population). In other words, 9,693 people were discharged from a hospital per 100,000 populations with 9.8 days in terms of annual mean length of hospitalization. The number of patients who returned home after hospitalization reached 4,538,861 (male: 1,784,041, female: 2,754,821) while 119,378 patients were evacuated to other hospitals. Among them, 8,970 patients were returned back to the original hospital. Based on the results of this study, they could be used in could be used in planning a project which is aimed to reduce public health costs by investigating high-risk groups with particular injuries and preventing damage. In addition, the injury monitoring data which are continuously collected could be useful in monitoring and evaluating the efficiency of an injury prevention program.
2007년1월1일부터 12월 31일까지 퇴원환자조사에서 제외되었던, 100병상미만 의료기관을 조사대상으로 선정하였다. 퇴원환자조사를 위해 조사 기반자료인 의무기록을 토대로 손상퇴원환자의 일반적 특성, 진료비지불방법, 질병 및 수술 양상과 의료이용 실태를 파악하였다. 2007년 한 해 동안 전국 100병상미만의 급성기 의료기관을 퇴원한 추정 환자 수는 총 4,697,095명으로 이는 전체 인구의 9.7%에 해당한다. 인구 10만 명당 퇴원 율은 9,693명이며 평균재원일수는 9.8일이었다. 퇴원후 귀가한 퇴원환자수는 전체 4,538,861명이었고 이중 남성은 1,784,041명, 여성은 2,754,821명이었다. 타병원으로 이송된 환자는 119,378명이었으며 의뢰병원으로 회송된 환자도 8,970명 이었다.이상과 같은 결과는 특정 손상에 대한 고위험군을 파악하고 중재가 필요한 곳을 확인하여 손상을 예방함으로써 공중보건비용을 줄이는 사업계획에 활용할 수 있으며, 지속적으로 수집되는 손상감시자료는 손상예방프로그램의 효율성을 감시 하고 평가하는데도 활용될 수 있다.