남여 대학생들의 부모기에 대한 인식과 예비 부모교육 프로그램 요구도에 관한 비교 연구

A Comparative Study of Perception of Parenthood and the Needs for a Pre-Parental Educational Program for Male and Female University Students

  • 이수기 (목포가톨릭대학교 유아교육과) ;
  • 박희숙 (공주대학교 유아교육과)
  • Lee, Su-Ki (Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Mokpo Catholic University) ;
  • Park, Hee-Suk (Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Kongju National University)
  • 투고 : 2010.05.04
  • 심사 : 2010.07.15
  • 발행 : 2010.08.31


This study compared male and female university students' perceptions of parenthood and their need for pre-parental educational program. Responses of 579 university students in 5 universities were collected using a questionnaire developed by the researchers. Data were analyzed using a T-test and Pearson's chi squared test. Results showed that (1) systematic and pre-parental education may increase opportunities for university students to prepare parent and child rearing skills. (2) Any pre-parent educational program developed should cover practical and such as communication skills, child-rearing techniques and ways of disciplining children. In this way an educational program could provide university students suitable guidance and give them a positive and proper attitude toward parenting should they become parents in the future.



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