A Field Investigation on Light Trespass of Residential Buildings by Street Lighting

주거지역에서 가로조명에 의한 침입광발생 분석

  • Received : 2010.02.05
  • Accepted : 2010.04.26
  • Published : 2010.04.30


Spill light by street lighting is a kind of light pollution creating cozy night atmosphere, interfere visual private and cause insomnia at night. This study was to survey light trespass of the windows in residential buildings. According to outdoor lighting control guidance in Seoul, three different areas were selected to investigate the trespass light to windows. The results were as follows: 37% of the buildings of 386 buildings were influenced by street lighting, and 47% of windows were occurred light trespass. Therefore, the street lighting affected light trespass at night in survey area. The main reasons of light trespass were luminaire type, luminaire pole height, and street width. For protecting the light trespass to windows, it is necessary to non-cutoff fixture to full cutoff fixture by the street width.



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