프로 축구선수의 양도락 분석을 통한 신체특성 연구

The study on the physical characteristics of soccer player with Yangdorak

  • Heo, Seung-Jin (Department of Internal medicine, Dongsuwon Oriental medicine Hospital) ;
  • Lim, Chang-Sun (Department of Rehibilitaion medicine, Dongsuwon Oriental medicine Hospital) ;
  • Yim, Jun-Hyok (Department of Rehibilitaion medicine, Dongsuwon Oriental medicine Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


Object: This study was planned to show the physical characteristics of soccer player and their Yangdorak measurements. Method: We categorized 5 study group. (I-Players classified by age; II, III-Players and control group; IV-Players who had positive RF and the others; V-Players who had digestive disorder and the others) And We conducted the potentiality of skin resistance(Yangdorak) and GFS, PFT, ECG and the other, then analysis that. Result: As old aged group, Yangdorak shown lower RS, but that was not significant. Player group had higher Yangdorak score at H5, F1, F2, F5 than control group. Player group was shown better cardiopulmonary function, but H1, H2, H3 score were not significant. Players who conducted RF test shown not significant difference of H4 measurement between positive and negative group. Digestive disorder group had higher F1, F6 score, but that wasn't significant.
