중족부 Wedge 착용 시 회내 집단의 최대 힘과 족저압력 연구

The Study of the Mid-sole Wedge of Pronated Group on Maximum Force and Foot Pressure

  • 이재익 (부경대학교 일반대학원 체육학과) ;
  • 이효택 (부경대학교 일반대학원 체육학과) ;
  • 김용재 (부경대학교 자연과학대학 해양스포츠학과)
  • Lee, Jae-Ik (Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Pukyong National University) ;
  • Lee, Hyo-Taek (Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kim, Yong-Jae (Department of Marine Sports, College of Natural Sciences, Pukyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2010.03.29
  • 심사 : 2010.09.25
  • 발행 : 2010.09.30


This study was conducted on male college students with pronated foot to measure the foot pressure by having them wear three kinds of mid-sole wedge ($0^{\circ}$, $5^{\circ}$, $10^{\circ}$). Maximum force, foot contact area, mean pressure and peak pressure were measured using a foot pressure distribution measuring instrument. And the surface of the foot sole was divided into 10 areas. Regarding maximum force, there were statistically significant difference in the area 3 of the middle foot(p<.05). Regarding the foot contact area, it appeared broad in the outside area(1, 3, 5) of the foot according to mid-sole wedge, and there was statistically significant difference in the area 1 of the rear foot(p<.05) and the area 3 of the middle foot(p<.05). Mean pressure by foot area decreased in the inside of the foot according to mid-sole wedge, and there was statistically significant difference in the area 2 of the rear foot(p<.05) and the area 3 of the middle foot(p<.05). Regarding the peak pressure by foot area, the pressure roughly decreased in the inside area(2, 4, 7) of the foot according to mid-sole wedge, and there was statistically significant difference in the area 1(p<.05), 2(p<.05) of the rear foot and the area 3 of the middle foot(p<.05).



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