Married Woman's Family Life Management Behavior - Consumer's Purchase Behavior, Dietary Life Behavior, and Satisfaction of Well-Being Oriented Food -

기혼여성의 가정생활관리행동: 웰빙지향 식품 구매행동 및 식생활 행동과 소비만족도

  • Han, Sung-Hee (Dept. of Consumer and Housing Studies, Univ. of Sangmyung)
  • 한성희 (상명대학교 소비자주거)
  • Received : 2010.04.01
  • Accepted : 2010.05.24
  • Published : 2010.05.31


This study examined the satisfaction of the married women from aged 20s through 50s with well-being oriented foods, considering the importance of each subordinate field and verifying the differences between the groups according to socio-demographic factors, purchase behavior factors, and well-being oriented dietary life factors, followed by an analysis of the relative influence of those relevant factors. A preliminary survey was conducted from January 4th-11th, 2009 to check if there were any problems or misunderstood parts before the main survey. After the preliminary study was conducted, certain problems were adjusted and supplemented, and then the main survey was conducted for twenty-three days, from January 4th to February 5th, 2009. The summaries of this study are as follows: First, in the view of the purchase behavior, the mainly purchased well-being oriented foods were farm products, and the leading purpose of the purchase was for the parents and the children. It was shown that 30% or more of the information sources on well-being oriented foods were families, relatives and neighbors. More than 66% of the purchasing was done at wholesale marts and the topped purchasing frequency was from 5 to 6 per month. More than 71% of payments for well-being oriented foods were \50,000~100,000 per month. More than 51% of the respondents answered that the proper price of well-being oriented foods was 1.2 times to 1.5 times of that of other foods. Second, the satisfaction of the well-being oriented foods was ranked as 3.21 to 3.28 out of 5, and varied with the usages and the methods of weights. Investigating the satisfaction with each subordinate field, the satisfaction with price was shown to be low. The satisfaction with the assortments of foods and the satisfaction with the therapeutic degree by thorough investigation and management of foods were also relatively low. Third, well-being oriented dietary behavior was shown to be characterized by two factors, through factor analysis in this study. One was an eco-friendly oriented behavioral factor and the other was a health oriented selective factor. Fourth, the stepwise multiple regression analysis results investigating the relative influence of the factors effecting satisfaction with well-being oriented foods showed that the top ranked factor affecting total satisfaction was eco-friendly oriented behavioral factor, followed by education level and purchasing sites, especially of consumer groups.



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