전통복식 문화원형 콘텐츠의 디지털 활용 현황과 제언

Digital Application and Suggestions of Cultural Prototypes in Traditional Costumes

  • 투고 : 2010.03.16
  • 심사 : 2010.06.30
  • 발행 : 2010.07.31


This study is intended to analyze current status of costume in the cultural industry and explore feasibility of integrating costume as important cultural contents in the digital era. Among the websites for contents as the cultural archetypes, some have strong foundations while others don't. First, as for various archetypal characters restored based on the Korean history, most of their clothes focus on shapes and colors but lack details. They should be produced in 3D to provide back views or textile patterns to users. To ease understanding of the history of costume, user-friendly services such as launch of a pop-up window when users click on specific contents in question should be available for detailed information. At least there should be a link to other related sites where users can conveniently find more details. Second, some sites have too much data under one subject, increasing complexity and undermining orderliness. As a result, it takes long time to identify the site map. In this case, it is required to rearrange the contents with Quick View by subject and related links for in-depth study. Third, each subject is important to develop the archetypes for a variety of purposes. Creation of design derived from them or their commercialization can be an example but these activities should not restrict imagination of users or degrade the value of the archetypes. Last, it is needed to adopt validation system to detect the needs for a regular update (renewal) and to fix errors. We found many servers whose operation is not stable in general. When these technical issues are addressed for stable operation, users will rely on the sites to utilize them for their purpose of developing the cultural archetypes. In conclusion, advancement of www.culturecontent.com is essential. Based on efficient management and operation of the system, the quality of contents would be increased and multi-faceted advertising campaigns focusing on needs should be launched, to promote application of the contents. This is the recommendation for the future of the cultural archetype industry in Korea.



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