복합애착유형에 따른 유아의 내재적, 외현적 문제행동

Preschooler's Internal, External Problem Behavior According to Types of Multiple-Attachments to Both Mothers and Teachers

  • 투고 : 2009.08.31
  • 심사 : 2010.09.20
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


The purpose of study was to investigate internal and external problem behavior according to types of multiple-attachments exhibited to both mothers and teachers. The subjects were 120 preschool children (between 4 to, -5 years old), their mothers and teachers. The attachment classification of these 120 preschoolers was evaluated by an attachment Q-set. Data was statistically analyzed by means of one-way ANOVA, and the Duncan test with the SPSS Win 13.0 program. Our results were as follows, Firstly, significant differences were observed in the internal problem behavior according to types of multiple-attachments. Second, significant differences were also observed in the external problem behavior according to types of multiple-attachments. This study suggests that secure attachment relationships with teachers may compensate for insecure relationships with mothers.



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