타인양육 유형과 다중애착안정성 유형에 따른 영아의 순응성 연구

A Study on Infant Compliance According to the Types of Care and Multiple Attachments

  • 백지혜 (건국대학교 유아교육과) ;
  • 조복희 (경희대학교 생활과학대학 아동.가족)
  • 투고 : 2009.10.29
  • 심사 : 2010.01.07
  • 발행 : 2010.02.28


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of the types of care and multiple attachments on the issue of infant compliance. The subjects of this study were 52 infants (1-2 years old) and their caregivers (grandparents, baby sitters, daycare teachers) and their mothers. The results of this study are as follows : (1) The type of care and multiple attachments types affected infant compliance in relation to the mother. In the daycare center, the infants showed more signs of compliance than whilst in the care of the grandparents. Moreover, with the secure-secure, secure-insecure types, the infant showed more signs of compliance than with the insecure-secure, insecure-insecure types. (2) The types of care affected infant compliance in relation to the caregiver. In the daycare center, the infant showed more signs of compliance than in the care of both the grandparents or baby sitter. (3) Multiple attachment types were found to affect infant compliance in relation to strangers.



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