The Effect of Volunteer Work at the Place of Ecology Experience on the Environmental Sensitivity & State-Trait Anxiety of the Gifted Students

생태체험장 봉사활동이 영재학생들의 환경민감도 및 상태-특성불안에 미치는 효과

  • Received : 2010.04.20
  • Accepted : 2010.05.16
  • Published : 2010.05.31


Today, the importance of environmental education is a matter we are all concerned about. The environment surrounding us, such as the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil plants grow in, is critical for our survival. Currently there is a lot of interest in environmental education at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. This is a result of the deep recognition of the importance of the environment. However the environmental education being conducted in schools is not yet at a satisfactory level. The practical issues, including an entrance exam-oriented atmosphere, student' and parents' lack of understanding, and teachers' lack of expertise in environmental education, interfere with the stability of environmental curriculum in the schools. Accordingly, we need to devise an alternative environmental curriculum due to the fact that it hasn't been included as a regular subject in the curriculum of many national schools. This study, carried out from April to December 2009, was an examination of the effect of volunteer work at the place of ecology experience on the environmental sensitivity & state-trait anxiety of the 61 Gifted Students. The students were divided into two groups. The test group consisted of 30 gifted students who did volunteer work at the place of ecology experience run by Ulsan Science High School, in Ulsan Metropolitan City. The control group consisted of the rest of the students. The following are the study results: First, the volunteer work at the place of ecology experience was influential in increasing the environmental sensitivity of the gifted students. Second, the volunteer work at the place of ecology experience was influential in decreasing the state anxiety of in gifted students. Third, the volunteer work at the place of ecology experience was influential in decreasing the trait anxiety of in gifted students. Fourth, the volunteer work at the place of ecology experience positively influenced not only the gifted students' view of environmental education, but also their overall character.



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