중의학(中醫學)의 'UNESCO 세계무형유산' 등재(登載) 시도(試圖)와 그 의미(意味)

Attempt at the Register of Traditional Chinese Medicine as UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage and its Significance

  • 투고 : 2010.02.27
  • 심사 : 2010.03.22
  • 발행 : 2010.04.30


Objective : This article reviewed China's intent and aim of the failed attempt to register Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) as UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage, its process and implication as a policy of 21st Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) promotion on the landscape of North East Asian medical geopolitcs. Methods : This article utilized mainly the discourse analysis of vernacular Chinese journals and newspaper reports. Conclusions : It is needed to design effective strategies for securing Traditional Korean Medicine(TKM)'s identity and authenticity to cope with so-called 'Chinese Medicine Domination Project'.



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