Translational Study on a Chapter of Taeeum-Disease[太陰病篇] in "The Golden Mirror of Medicine.The Notes of Treatise on Cold-Induced Diseases(醫宗金鑑.傷寒論注)"

"의종금감(醫宗金鑑).정정중경전서상한론주(訂正仲景全書傷寒論註)" "변태음병맥증병치전편(辨太陰病脈證幷治全篇)"에 대한 번역연구

  • Lee, Yong-Bum (Dept. of Oriental Medical Classics, College Of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University)
  • 이용범 (상지대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실)
  • Received : 2010.02.08
  • Accepted : 2010.03.18
  • Published : 2010.03.25


"The Golden Mirror of Medicine(醫宗金鑑)" was compiled by the medical officers of the Cheong(淸) government headed by Ogyeom(吳謙: 1736-1795) in 1742, and was adopted as a textbook by the Institute of Imperial Physicians(太醫院) in 1749. This book provides a good summary of academic contents and clinical experiences from before the Cheong(淸) dynasty, and serves as a convenient and practical guide book. "The Notes of Treatise on Cold-Induced Diseases(傷寒論注)" is one part of "The Golden Mirror of Medicine(醫宗金鑑)", and this is placed at the beginning of the book, indicating its importance. The chapter on taeeum-disease[太陰病篇], which is the third part of "The Notes of the Treatise on Cold-Induced Diseases(傷寒論注)", has not yet been translated into Korean. Therefore, in this study, the characteristics of Ogyeom's(吳謙) notes are inspected through a comparative study of the chapter of taeeum-disease[太陰病篇] based on translation and the notes of famous scholars. The texts first provide an outline of taeeum-disease[太陰病], which is followed by diarrhea, vomiting and therapeutic methods of syndrome involving both the exterior and interior[表裏兼證], as well as abdominal distension and pain. The prognoses are then explained in succession. The eight texts that have been shown in the chapter of taeeum-disease[太陰病篇] of original text were relocated and the seven texts that existed in the chapters of taeyang(太陽), yangmyeong(陽明) and gwol-eum(厥陰) were moved to this chapter. Furthermore, Ogyeom(吳謙) moved the cold-dysphagia[寒格] text from a chapter of gwol-eum-disease[厥陰病] to a chapter of taeeum-disease[太陰病] and explained vomiting due to pathogenic cold. The origins of taeeum-disease[太陰病] are purported to occur through the yang-channel[陽經] to the eum-channel[陰經], and taeeum-disease[太陰病] was reported to include both interior-deficiency-cold-syndrome[裏虛寒證] and interior-excess-heat-syndrome[裏實熱證]. In the case of diarrhea-more-severe-symptoms[自利益甚], he thought it induced by faultpurgation[誤下], and in indication for decoction of cinnamon with peony[桂枝加芍藥湯] and decoction of cinnamon with rhubarb[桂枝加大黃湯], he thought it included the exterior syndrome of taeyang-disease[太陽表證], and rhubarb was used in purgation of taeeum-excess[太陰實].



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