중고령 종합병원 식당종사자의 근골격계 부담 작업에 대한 위험성 평가

Risk Assessment in the Loaded Works of Muscular Skeletal Disorder for Mid-old Aged General Hospital Dining Workers

  • Kim, Hee-Soo (Department. of Physical Therapy, Graduate School of Medical Treatment Science, Hallym University) ;
  • You, Young-Youl (Department of Physical therapy, Hallym College)
  • 투고 : 2010.01.18
  • 심사 : 2010.04.10
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors of the musculoskeletal workload of mid-old-age food preparation workers by identifying the differences in the complaints of subjective symptoms between mid-old-age housewives and mid-old-age food preparation workers. This study was carried out on a total of 83 subjects from April 2009 through July 2009: 43 food preparation workers at the catering department of general hospital A, with a high rate of mid-old-age food preparation staff, and 40 full-time housewives (40~59 years old). The analysis of the relationship between the rates of the subjective symptoms of the two groups showed that the mid-old-age food preparation workers had a 7.8-fold higher risk of developing musculoskeletal diseases than the full-time housewives. The musculoskeletal workload of the mid-old-age food preparation workers included repetitive motions, uncomfortable postures, and heavy lifting. It is hoped that this study will help provide mid-old-age people with opportunities for appropriate economic activity and labor and will help improve their work postures and methods as well as their environmental-risk factors.



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