농촌노인의 일상생활수행능력과 우울감, 자아존중감 및 사회활동 참여가 생활만족도에 미치는 영향 -경기도 여주를 중심으로-

The Effect of Daily Living Activities, Depression, Self-respect, and Social Activity Participation of the Rural Elderly on Their Life Satisfaction -Centering on Yeoju, Gyeonggi-

  • 투고 : 2010.07.24
  • 심사 : 2010.12.10
  • 발행 : 2010.12.30


The aim of this research is to delineate how daily living activities, depression, self-respect, and social activity participation affects the life satisfaction of the rural elderly. The subjects of the research were elderly over-65-year-olds living in Yeoju, Gyeonggido and conducted from November 15 to November 30, 2009. The sampling method was convenience sampling among non-probability sampling, a total of 339 were used as analysis data. The collected data were then put through-frequency analysis, correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis, and feasibility verification through SPSS SAS 9.1.3 program. As a result of hypothesis verification, daily living activities have a positive influence over life satisfaction. And the higher the elderly's self-respect, the greater their life satisfaction, and it was verified that depending on social activity participation, there is a difference in their life satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to verify and carry out action plan and ital.



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