도시주거의 발코니에서 나타나는 내부이용 및 외부표현 특성 - 고대부터 19세기 말까지의 동.서양 주거문화사적(文化史的) 고찰을 중심으로 -

Characteristics of the Uses and Exterior Design of Balconies in Urban Housing - Focusing on the Balconies from the Ancient Times to the 19th Century with a Culture-historical Perspective -

  • 투고 : 2010.02.26
  • 심사 : 2010.04.23
  • 발행 : 2010.04.25


The purpose of this study is to analyze the uses and exterior design of the balconies in urban housing from the ancient times to the 19th century. In doing so, the paper seeks to investigate the cultural identity of the balcony in urban housing. The results are as follow. First, in the urban housing the balcony space were made for protection from the heat, light and ventilation; gardening; views toward the streets, city, waterside, inner court, domain for men; breathing french air; watching ceremony, festivals and events; simple houseworks like drying, carpet cleaning and hair coloring; lever installation and fire escape. Second, as part of exterior design the typical projecting characteristic of the balconies was emphasized and they became an impotent decorative element. The monotonous facade changed to a lively design with a rhythmical sense. On the facade the effects of horizontal movement, symmetry or asymmetry from the main entrance, and the center-projection (rialto) were created. In the urban housing the balconies were used for cultural activities which supplement and enlarge the function of the interior space, and moreover the rich effects of the facade contributed to the creation of attractive urban landscape.



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