브랜드 커피전문점의 공간디자인 구성요소와 마케팅과의 관계분석 연구

A Study on the Relationship between Space Design Elements and Marketing in Brand Coffeeshops

  • 장희나 (중앙대학교 건설대학원 실내건축학) ;
  • 최상헌 (중앙대학교 건축학부)
  • 투고 : 2010.02.27
  • 심사 : 2010.04.09
  • 발행 : 2010.04.30


The introduction of coffee business means adapting new culture more than coffee business itself as you see if from the trend of brand coffee stores in Korea now days. This 'new coffee culture' is popular among the adults from university students to business people and it has settled as a trend not only for drinking coffee but also for a place where they can take a rest and enjoy the culture. For that reason the elements which organize space to space takes great deal of weight in Marketing. Customers are looking for spaces such as business room, studying room, parkinglot, smoking area and also want comfortable seats and good atmosphere. It shows how important marketing is in Space design. Following study is to study about the key space design elements which is getting luxurious and individual in brand coffee stores. The aim of this essay is to broden variety and creativity of the space design in the market from now on.



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