재래 묵염방법에 따른 피염물의 색상과 색차 분석

Analysis of Color and Color Differences of Dyed Articles According to the Traditional Techniques of Dyeing Buddhist Priests' Robes

  • 투고 : 2009.10.14
  • 심사 : 2010.01.29
  • 발행 : 2010.02.28


In order to get the information needed for the preservation and application of Korean traditional dyeing techniques to modern textiles products, the present study analyzed the color and color differences of dyed goods according to the contents of fabrics and the traditional techniques of dyeing the Buddhist priests' robes. A spectrophotometer was used to measure the differences in achromatic color according to dyeing techniques, dyestuff, kinds of dyed fabrics, and after-treatment methods. Through experiments based on the traditional dyeing techniques used by Korean Buddhist priests, a total of 144 pieces of dyed fabrics were made and all the colors of those 144 pieces were analyzed. Among three dyeing techniques tested; (1) dyeing with a dye-bath made of ink stick that was ground down with water, (2) dyeing with a dye-bath made by shaking a bag containing ink powder in water, and (3) dyeing with a dye-bath made by rubbing a boiled ink stick on a fabric, dyeing with a dye-bath made of ink stick that was ground down with water was shown to be the best technique in terms of coloring. For fabrics, ramie was the best of all three techniques in terms of making achromatic color. Starching and rubbing was the most effective after-treatment method used on both fabrics dyed with a grounded ink stick and on fabrics dyed by rubbing a boiled ink stick on them. As a whole, yangyeonmook, made from minerals' soot, is better than songyeonmook, which is made by burning old pine trees or yooyeonmook, which is made by burning oils from seeds. Therefore, yangyeonmook could help to preserve and utilize the traditional dyeing techniques of Korea in a practical way in modern life.



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