The Influence of Middle Aged Women's TV Media Involvement on Difference Age, Youth-pursuing Clothing Behaviors and Fashion Leadership

중년 여성의 TV미디어관여도가 차이연령과 젊음추구 의복행동 및 유행선도력에 미치는 영향

  • 홍금희 (신라대학교 패션산업학부)
  • Received : 2010.02.05
  • Accepted : 2010.03.19
  • Published : 2010.06.30


Middle aged women these days not only consider themselves as younger than actual, maintain figures and looks of younger women, but also show a big interest to fashion goods as younger generations. The TV media has a big influence on this trend. This study is conducted to figure out how the TV media involvement of middle aged women affects their difference age, youth-pursuing clothing behavior and fashion leadership. After the survey, a total of 326 questionnaires completed by women of their 40s and 50s were used to this analysis. The results are as follows, 1. The highest cognitive age of middle aged women was the look age, and the lowest was the feel age in the 40s, and the interest age in the 50s. And it was shown that the difference age were 7.05 years for the 40s and 9.10 years for the 50s. 2. The TV media involvement had a significant influence on the difference age as its antecedent. And the TV media involvement affected directly the youth-pursuing clothing behavior and fashion leadership. The higher the TV media involvement was, the higher difference age and fashion leadership were shown. 3. The difference age was shown as mediating the TV media involvement and the youth-pursuing clothing behavior, and the TV media involvement and fashion leadership only partially. 4. The youth-pursuing clothing behaviors were influenced by TV media involvement and difference age. Conclusionally, this study revealed that the TV media had a great influence on middle-aged women's clothing behavior, supporting the cultivation theory of TV media.



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