회암사지 일(日)자형 건물지에 관한 연구

A Study on the Ruins of 日Type Plan Building in the Hoe-amsa Monastery site

  • 한지만 (일본 국립역사민속박물관)
  • 투고 : 2010.02.14
  • 심사 : 2010.04.29
  • 발행 : 2010.04.30


In this study, I investigated the function and the setting characteristics of 日type plan building ruins in the Hoe-amsa monastery site, that's renovated by Zen priest Na-ong(1320-76) in the later Goryeo Dynasty(918-1392), through the comparative research between China, Japan, and Goryeo in that time. The ruins of 日type plan building, located in the east side of Buddha hall ruins, is the ruins of Jungryo(衆寮). It was called as Jeondanrim, and the name can be seen from the record(天寶山檜巖寺修造記) of Yi-saek(李穡, 1328-96). It's name and the composition of plan is very similar to the Jungryo of Chinese and Japanese Zen monastery in 13th-14th century. And from it, we can see that, the priest Na-ong tried to introduce institution of Chinese Zen monastery, which he experienced during the time of study in China. But, the location of Jungryo in Hoe-amsa monastery is deferent from the Zen monastery of China and Japan, and it can be said as the setting characteristics of Hoe-amsa monastery in Goryeo Dynasty.



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