오산시의 맑은날 하절기 등가 하늘온도 예측

Prediction of the Summer Effective Sky Temperatrure during the Clear Day on Osan City

  • 변기홍 (동국대학교 기계로봇에너지공학과)
  • Byun, Ki-Hong (Dept. of Mechanical Robotics and Energy Engineering, Dongguk University)
  • 투고 : 2010.09.01
  • 심사 : 2010.10.25
  • 발행 : 2010.10.30


The purpose of this study is to predict the effective sky temperature on Osan City during the summer. The north latitude, east longitude of Osan City is $37^{\circ}06'$ and $127^{\circ}02'$. The altitude from the sea level is 48m. Empirical relations of the effective sky temperature suggested by Duffie and Beckman are compared on clear days. For the effective sky temperature prediction, data measured by the Korea Meteorological Administration is used as an input to the Bliss model. Both Hottel and Krondratyev model are used to calculate the water vapor emissivity. The results using Hottel's model match well with the empirical relation proposed by Bliss. The results show maximum, minimum, and average values depending on water vapor emissivity model. The maximum deviation is about 10K and is due to total emissivity model.



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